DVH News!
We are proud to announce that our Internet is provided as part of their Community Plans by Gigaclear - many thanks to them our users appreciate it
Next Meeting
Every third Thursday
of each month @ 6:30pm
Please Join us at the Village Hall!
We need new members to ensure that this asset to Denton Village is there for the next generation
We need to be able to to continue to organise events, such as Quiz evenings, "Made in Denton" Day, outdoor theatre as well as ensure the hall is in great condition for the user groups such as Gardening club, Tots, Badminton as well as private celebrations such as weddings and birthdays.
For booking queries, contact the member responsible for bookings in the contact us page.
For any issues with the hall itself or hall facilities, contact the caretaker:
David Trusler: 07359 046952​